A Truth About Life: To Give Is To Live.
- Giving is the key to getting and the secret of the Law of Abundance. - Uvelopin Hello again, and welcome to Uvelopin (which is you developing). As a truth about life, today's topic is "to give is to live". And this topic will be delivered with life's experiences. 1) We'll start with "Imoh" (African word for Wealth). Some years ago, Imoh worked in an accounts office and made a modest monthly income. Imoh had this cousin, Ayaka (African word for Sibling), who also had a paying job, but insisted on requesting that Imoh buy him recharge cards almost every time he ran out of airtime on his phone. Imoh considered Ayaka a nuisance for his regular requests for airtime, and one day, when Ayaka called for a recharge card, Imoh lashed out at him, telling him that they were both paid workers and h...