
Showing posts from December, 2018

A Truth About Life: Even the Devil Works for God.

So here we are again. And welcome to Uvelopin. Today's truth about life is that even the devil works for God. Sounds insane to some of you, right? Well... From experience, I've come to see that's true. Not too sure how to go about this, but I'll give you some TRUE LIFE EXPERIENCES to give you a good perspective on this truth. I will not state exact relationships or names here except mine, for the purpose of protecting the identities of those whose experiences I'm going to be using on this blog. A little small talk before giving you the first experience.... Who do you think created the devil? I mean seriously.... And why do you think this negative force exists? Same reason why problems (or as I prefer to call them, "challenges") exist - to make yourself stronger; to force you into self development; to force you to grow spiritually; and to make life more interesting, actually (Lol!). Imagine a world without challenges. Can you? I can, and it's mind-...

A Truth About Life: Everything is Run by Exchange.

Everything is run by exchange. You can't enjoy light until you suffer darkness, and to have the light, the darkness must leave, and if you want darkness (or when it comes time for darkness) the lights must leave. You can't get unless you give, and for you to get, something must be given. Do you see the exchange? In the case of self development, you realise that you must first drop old habits that weigh you down and bad attitudes (kind of how the bags are dropped from the passenger side of an air balloon so that it can take off from the ground. The sandbags are exchanged for elevation). Why do I believe this concept of exchange? Let's look at the law of conservation of energy (or matter) which states that matter (or energy) is neither created nor destroyed but transformed from one form to another. Do you see the concept of exchange? You see it in the water cycle; you get the rain when water evaporates from the land and seas, saturate the skies and clouds, and then recond...

A Truth About Life: Everything is an Illusion.

Hello again, and welcome to Uvelopin. The topic today is Everything is an Illusion. I'm going to go straight in by saying forget beliefs, religion, forget gender, forget race, forget tribes, forget materialism and physical wealth. It's all an illusion. Let's be brief, what matters is Soulism! WTF is Soulism, right?! It is a concept coined out of the word "Soul", Which is who and what you are. Who and what you really are. When you get the concept of Soulism, you are on your way to the next important thing, the next "real" thing, and that is Spiritual Freedom. We live under the impression that we are human beings who own a soul (and some believe you can actually sell it! LMAO! NOT POSSIBLE!). So you see, Soul is me, Soul is you, Soul is your mum, your dad, your neighbours, every person, animal and plant. Soul knows no boundaries, knows no fears, knows no owner, and retains no ownership but It's right to freedom, love, happiness, and wisdom gained ...

A Truth About Life : We Are All Puppets With Freewill

Hello again, and welcome to my blog. I decided to start a series talking about some truths about life, and each blog will cover a truth or two about... life. Now, these truths as I'm going to give them to you are based on my observations of life, and that of many people around me, and many others I have come across online, and here and there. If you look closely, and in all honesty, you will see these truths as well. I am not here to tell you what to believe, but to see how I can reveal some truths about life that we, as humans, just choose to ignore, and then go around complaining and making a mess of our lives because we don't understand (and in some cases, don't want to understand) how life, or the world, or the universe works. Mind you, you don't have to accept anything I say here, but one day, when you decide to take the glasses off, you will see and have a better understanding of life and know what you read here wasn't far off. This blog is here...


Hello and welcome to my blog. Today we are going to talk about 10 ways to deal with depression and bipolarity naturally. Now, you being here means that you already know what depression and bipolarity are, and you may (or may not) know the difference between the two, but you know that something is definitely not right with you or a loved one, and you suspect either of these mental illnesses. [Yes! I see it as a mental illness, and I accept it so from experience]. I'm a Nigerian, and being born and raised here, I have seen a lot of things taken for granted (even by me! I have to confess). Things such as mental health. Growing up I always saw that mental illness was only attributed to madness (mainly attributed to naked people walking the roads) but I didn't realise that it could have many forms and affect different people in many different ways. You would always have people tell you that "you are ok", "there's nothing wrong with you", "it's all...